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NoManic Mondays

NoManic Mondays are a fun way for us to share our extra, behind the scenes footage of both the family and the crew.  Look for new videos every week!

Orazi's Bar Mitzvah Video!


Watch and enjoy the amazing adventures of a 13 year old boy who has traveled the world.  We love you, Orazi!

Unatti Foundation, Nepal


The crew of The Nomadic Family Project had the honor of visiting the Unatti Foundation in Nepal.  It was a privilege to meet such smart, creative, and caring girls, who are the future of their country.  After the earthquakes that devastated Nepal, these girls have fed thousands of people in their community, helped clean the streets, and are currently helping build a house for a family in need.  To find out how you can help, please go to

Like X-Men


Listen to what Orazi compares this documentary to, in one of our cutest behind the scenes moments yet.

The Art of Staying Focused Part 2: Tattoos


An interview question leads to a tangent, and ultimately, peer pressure. Watch and see why our interviews with Gabi, while thoroughly entertaining, would last all day!

An Israel Crab Dance


To commemorate a year's worth of NoManic Monday videos, here's a thank you crab dance performed in Israel during the second half of filming for The Nomadic Family Project!

Crew and Family Bonding


It wasn't all work during the filming of The Nomadic Family Project. This experience not only made us closer, but it also made it harder to say goodbye.

The Art of Staying Focused


Interviewing Gabi is an experience in itself! There was a lot of singing involved, and we were reminded of any animal or insect that was in the vicinity. Thanks for the laughs, Gabi!

Interviewing Kids


It's true, they say the darndest things. Or sometimes nothing at all. Or sometimes they just want to pretend they're in a commercial. 

Overcoming Adversity, starring Noah


We all had our own issues during our 16 day trek in the Himalayas. Although the Nomadic Family Project's director of photography, Noah, may have had a few more than others.



While the Annapurna trek was breathtakingly beautiful, we were sad to see so much litter.  Hopefully some words of wisdom from an 8 year old can inspire people to respect Mother Earth. 


Beautiful Moments in Travel


Ok, so the whole Nomadic Family Project crew may have cried a lot during our 16 day trek in the Himalayas.  Sometimes it was from exhaustion, and other times it was because of all the beauty in the world.  This is an example of the latter.  

Music Therapy


There's nothing you're going through that the right song can't cure.

Kobi's Bone


Entertainment ensues when Kobi finds a huge bone while trekking in Nepal.

Magic Soup


Enjoy this impromptu commercial for a random soup the Nomadic Family found for sale in the middle of the Himalayas.  Not only does cooking your own food save money, but sometimes the stars align and something magical comes of it.  Thanks Solai for cracking us up, once again.

Sibling Love


In between fighting, they really do love each other!  Sometimes they just have a funny way of showing it.


Popping A Squat


When nature calls during an 8 hour trek, your options are limited.  It's safe to say we perfected our squat in the middle of the Himalayas.

The Pass: Part 2


We made it to the highest point of our trek, Thorong Pass, 17,769 feet in elevation, and thought the hard part was over.  This is how we discovered we were terribly wrong.

The Pass: Part 1


The crew discusses how they finally made it to the highest point of the Annapurna trek.

Fun With Horses


The crew discusses their thoughts after riding horses for 2 days through the Himalayas.

Cuz We're Alive Today


The family explains why this slogan is a perfect definition of their outlook on life.

Happy Holidays Medley


Happy Holidays from our family to yours! Here's a little medley of our adventures in Nepal and India.

Stupa House, Our Home In Nepal


An ode to our home away from home, the Stupa House Hotel and Restaurant in Kathmandu, Nepal. Staying here was exactly what we needed after a tough 16 day trek through the Himalayas.   

The Night Before the Pass


The crew of the Nomadic Family Project discusses their thoughts the night before reaching the highest point on the trek.

Poo Education


A world education at its finest!  The Nomadic Family kids describe the different types of poo they saw while trekking in Nepal.  



The Little Things


Sometimes all it takes is a clean towel to brighten your day.

The Ups and Downs of Filming


It's not easy to film or be filmed 24 hours a day.  Check out some behind the scenes footage for a glimpse into our lives in Nepal.

Our Attempt to Record Music Videos


Certain donors requested that we write them a personalized song.  This is behind the scenes footage of the crew recording the music videos with the children of The Nomadic Family.  It may not be our calling, but it was a good time!

An Ode To Our Producer


See why our producer wins the award for "most tears shed while filming".  Thanks for being a trooper, Erin! 

Happy Birthday Dahnya!


She's accomplished and seen more in 12 years than most people have in a lifetime!  This is a celebration video for Dahnya's 12th birthday, set to one of her favorite songs.  

Our First Hanging Bridge


Dahnya and Gabi discuss the first hanging bridge we saw upon entering the Annapurna region, and overcoming fear.

Solai Interviews Angela


The Nomadic Family's youngest daughter, Solai, decided she wanted to interview our director, Angela, and in between giggle fits, she's actually got some great questions! 

The MANY Uses of Garlic


It's not just for eating when the Nomadic Family's involved.  

The Beautiful Children of Nepal


This one goes out to the incredible children we met along the way on the Annapurna trek in Nepal. These smiles kept us going during the hard days. Dahnyabad!


Like Father, Like Son


Kobi and his son, Orazi have many similarities, but this video shows a side to them that you may not know as well. If all else fails, they both have a promising career as tailors! Enjoy.

The Back of the Jeep


This bumpy ride in a jeep through mud and eroding cliffs was our introduction to the Annapurna Trek. Clearly, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

Crew Update, Annapurna Day 8


The documentary crew updates you on the locals, the comforting power of game of thrones, exhaustion, and dreaming of burgers.


All Massages Are Not Created Equal


This one's an ode to our amazing porters, and the positive impact they had on our Annapurna experience. Some people got free massages on our trek (this is when it sucks to be behind the camera), here's a glimpse at two of my favorites. 


Solai's Alter Ego


It was a particularly hard night on the Annapurna Circuit and these were well needed laughs. We were getting ready for bed, and in walks Solai, pretending to be director of The Nomadic Family Project, Angela. Next thing we know, all of us became part of the act. Luckily we already had the camera on a tripod, so we hit record and watched her work her magic. 


NoManic Monday Travel Tip: Save Money, Shop With the Locals


The local markets are not only cheaper, but also full of surprises! Check out how we got everything we needed for the Annapurna Trek in Nepal.


Horse Penis


This week for our installment of NoManic Monday videos, we present you with a world education at its finest. The birds, the bees, and a horse penis. ENJOY!

Israeli Family Documentary: Maintaining Equality in a Time of War


An Israeli family reflects on what they learned during their 3 year trip around the world. Now we're filming as they've returned home to a country at war. 


Israeli Family Kids Discuss War, Missile Sirens and Peace


After traveling the world for 39 months, here are their thoughts on war and how they can promote peace.

Israeli Family Documentary Update: The Return Home to Bomb Shelter Sirens


Our director Angela's update after almost a week in Israel. Times are complicated right now, and The Nomadic Family Project sends thoughts of love and peace to everyone.

The First Night of the Trek


Watch as Gabi gives a heartfelt toast on our first official night of the trek. 

Thank You to Our Donors


We're launching a kickstarter campaign for the second half of production costs! But first, see how Angela and Erin felt about the first successful campaign. Thanks to all who continue to believe in us, and please spread the word and encourage others to be part of a project that encourage you to follow your dreams!

Gabi vs. the Guitar


Bringing a guitar on a 16 day trek sounded like a good idea at the time! Watch as Gabi struggles with her packing karma.

The Crew on Fighting Cankles and First Thoughts of Nepal


Find out how we fought "cankles" during a long flight and our first thoughts on meeting the Nomadic Family in Nepal. 


A Tribute to Kobi


In honor of Father's Day, here's one for Kobi. Warning: do not attempt these dance moves without proper supervision. 

Nomadic Family Project Tips: "Meat-ing Up"


"Learn the meaning of "meat-ing up", and hear important tips from the crew on how to prepare for the Himalayas."

Meet The Crew


You've met the family, now meet the crew.

The Nomadic Family at the Airport


See why you never want to be at the airport at the same time as the Nomadic Family.

KAKAKAW! the Nomadic Family Project


Watch how and why the family uses their favorite bird call, KAKAKAW!

Nomadic Family Parenting Tips


In honor of mother's day, some modern parenting tips from the Nomadic Family.

The Nomadic Parents Being Gross (part 1)


Kobi and Gabi show you the grosser sides of travel life.

The Nomadic Family Kids on being filmed


Meet the Nomadic Family kids, and see their thoughts on being filmed.

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© 2013 by the nomadic family PROJECT

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